The Clean Comedy Challenge is a 3 Day/Night Comedy Bootcamp of critiques, performances,
writing, seminars, and a Nightly Contest that all participants perform in!
All Comics are invited at any level without an audition. You can learn, perform, connect, and have fun!
Limited Space 

The Creators of The Clean Comedy Challenge

Leslie Norris Townsend

Backed by over 20 years of experience, Leslie Norris Townsend is easily one of the funniest, most entertaining comediennes working today. Her blend of stand-up comedy, music, and audience participation will move your audience from tears to laughter while motivating, mesmerizing and captivating each one.

Whether booked at a corporate function or as the opening act for superstars, Leslie brings her unique blend of “church clean, club funny” comedy material. That’s why major corporations like Shell, Mattel, Mobil, Pepsi, and more have chosen Leslie as their featured entertainer. 

Leslie’s 30+ television appearances include Comedy Central, A&E’s “An Evening at the Improv” and sketches seen on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.” She was even a Grand Finalist on “Star Search”.

List of Recent Appearances

Leslie left behind a promising acting career to create a better life for her children. In the classic fish-out-of-water tale, she moved from Hollywood to rural Ohio to live on her family’s 100-year-old farm. This only added new material to her already hilarious routines.

Let Leslie Norris Townsend help you reach your laughter potential with her witty, humorous, laugh-till-you-cry comedy show!

See Leslie’s website at www.FunnyLeslie.com.
Contact her for questions at 419-852-0950.

Joby Saad

Joby Saad, known for his expressive, rubbery face. Makes sense that he’s a big fan of physical comedians such as Steve Martin, Jim Carrey, and Tim Conway.  His stand-up, like his films, involves a lot of physical comedy.  

Joby launched his own television series titled “Vidiots” “It’s silent comedy. I love being able to tell a story and reach an audience of all ages and all languages. The humor is universal and continually reaches an international audience. Having been broadcast on cable, its DVDs quickly sold over 100,000 copies.  

Joby has had the honor of performing for our troops in Honduras, entertaining the children of 101st airborne, Fort Campbell Ky, The children and families of St. Jude Hospital, and Le Bonheur children’s Hospital in Memphis is what I’m most proud. Five years on the stage at Lifest, the largest Christian music festival in Oshkosh Wisconsin.  

Recently Joby has performed on several Moth shows in Santa Monica Ca. which is that gold standard for storytelling and launching storytalks.org with fellow comedian Alyse Kenny in New York City.  Radio/Live performances. A frequent guest on the syndicated “Daren Streblow comedy show” on I-heart Radio.  

Most recently Joby was chosen out of hundreds of comedians to be featured on a new television series “Stand Up Neurotica” that follows the behind-the-scenes exploits of a comedy club staff, Joby being the night club comedian. Shot on location at New York city’s famed “Stand Up New York’ on the upper west side, where Seinfeld and many others built their reputations.  

Joby can currently be seen on Casino Boss playing the role of Jimbo, the former x boxer turned floor manager on Spectrum TV.  

See Joby’s website at Joby Saad

Check Out Joby’s DryBar Special

Joby Saad
Jimmy, Leslie, Joby, Jay

Former Celebrity Judges

The one thing about Leslie is that she’s worked with everyone! And everyone loves her! So she is able to assemble some of the best comedy minds in the country to come and hang out as judges at the Clean Comedy Challenge! Here just a few of the former judges from years past.
Some of the former celebrity judges and appearances include Jimmy Brogan, Andy Kindler, Erica Rhodes, Anjelah Johnson, Dennis Regan, Eddie Brill, Dwayne Kennedy, Bruce Smith, Jan Maxwell Smith, Bobby Kelton, Jerry Carroll, Jimmy Burns, Dave Schwenson, Bill Gorgo, Dobie Maxwell, Rocky Laporte, Geechy Guy, and more!

2024 Judges

Bob Nelson The Clean Comedy Challenge 2023 Judge

Former Judges By Year

2024 Judges
Heath Hyche, Ricky Mokel, Sonya White, Clayburn Cox, Michelle Krajecki, Leslie Norris Townsend, Joby Saad

2023 Judges
Bob Nelson, Rodney Norman, Linda Belt, Jim McCue, Heywood Banks, Rhonda Corey, Michelle Krajecki, Leslie Norris Townsend, Joby Saad

2022 Judges
Jimmy Brogan, Steve Mittleman, Joel Madison, Monica Piper, Robert G. Lee, Lou Deck, Leslie Norris Townsend, Joby Saad

2021 Judges
Bob Zany, Dennis Regan, Joby Saad, Leslie Norris Townsend

2020 Judges
Robert G. Lee, Bob Zany, Bill Gorgo, Joby Saad

2019 Judges
Jimmy Brogan, Joel Madison, Lou Deck, Bob Zany, Erin O’Connor, Tim Grable, Rocky LaPorte, Joby Saad

2018 Judges
James Wesley Jackson, Rocky LaPorte, Kat Simmons, Geechy Guy, Bone Hampton, Dobie Maxwell, Marty Simpson, Bill Gorgo, Joby Saad

2017 Judges
Jimmy Brogan, Andy Kindler, Anjelah Johnson, Dwayne Kennedy, Bruce Smith, Kerri Pomarolli, Jimmy McHugh, Dobbie Maxwell, Eddie Brill, Jan Maxwell Smith, Bill Gorgo, Joby Saad

2016 Judges
Jimmy Brogan, Michael Palascak, Suzy Soro, Jan Maxwell Smith, Dennis Regan, Joby Saad

2015 Judges
Jerry Carroll, Jimmy Burns, Dave Schwenson, Bill Gorgo, Joby Saad

2014 Judges
John Branyan, Eddie Brill, Bill Gorgo, Joby Saad

2013 Judges
Dobie Maxwell, Eddie Brill, Justin Fennell, Chili Challis, Frank King, Joby Saad

2012 Judges
Bobby Kelton, Drew Edwards, Suzanne Bartels, Dennis Regan, Joby Saad

2011 Judges
Jan Maxwell Smith, Suzanne Bartels, Dennis Regan, Joby Saad

2010 Judges
Bill Gorgo, Paul Kelly, Joby Saad

FORMER Winners

Many of the former winners have gone on to successful careers in the comedy business.

    •  Jonnie W. who won in 2010 has since become one of the biggest names in Christian Comedy and is represented by CAA, one of the most widely respected Agencies for entertainers in the world. Jonnie toured the country with Tim Hawkins and has recently taped a DryBar Comedy Special.
    • Marty Simpson, who won in 2012 has appeared on ESPN, BET, TBN and now performed comedy on 3 continents. Marty went on to be named festival favorite at multiple festivals, as well tape a DryBar Comedy Special.
    • Charlene Mae, the first female comic to win, has gone on to tour the country with Hal Sparks, and has landed roles on television shows like Rules of Engagement and One Day at A Time! 
    • Mike Paramorewho won in 2015 has gone on to garner huge success at festivals across the country as well as taping a DryBar Special.
    • Heywood Banks, who won in 2018 used his video from the 2018 Challenges to qualify for the very prestigious San Francisco Comedy Competition and then he made it all the way to the finals of that six week long famous competition!